AccuScore has trends and updated records for each sport available in the archives on this page (Subscribers can download archive files for each sport at any time, available at the links on this page). To help identify the best quality picks, we track dozens of different betting systems per league and update them daily. Each betting system or trend is the equivalent of a human handicapper, the only difference being these systems are more accurate than most 'Cappers and they do not cost you hundreds of dollars each.

The first column below identifies the sport the Hot Trend applies to. The second column identifies the type of pick:OU=Over/Under (Totals); PS=Point Spread; SV=Side Value; ML=Moneyline (if you don't know what this means read our brief system guide) The 3rd column is the Trend itself. The 4th column is the record AccuScore has with the particular trend when calculating value. This trend record is what makes each of these trends today's hot trends. The "Units" column explains how many units of profit investors would have if they had placed a 100 units on the trend every time AccuScore calculated value in picking these trends.

Finally, the most important part of the Betting system is the "Today" column. If you hover over the green "+" you will see which of today's games apply to the hot trend. Then, members should go to the individual game in the Game Forecast or Expert Picks sections and they can see a full game forecast to make expert picks by applying these trends, thus, using the AccuScore Betting System.

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NHL OU TOTALS: Picking Over (Season) 142-93, 60.4% 3970
NHL OU TOTALS (Season) 263-209, 55.7% 3310
NHL OU WEST CONF GAME TOTALS (Season) 86-54, 61.4% 2660
NBA SV INTER-CONF GAME SV (Season) 186-269, 40.9% 2366
NFL PS INTER-CONF GAME PS (Season) 51-26, 66.2% 2240
PS AFC EAST DIV GAME PS (Season) 23-2, 92.0% 2080
NFL PS Point Spreads (Season) 148-116, 56.1% 2040
NHL OU TOTALS: Betting Line of 5.5 (Season) 171-138, 55.3% 1920
NHL OU PAC DIV GAME TOTALS (Season) 24-6, 80% 1740
PS INTER-CONF GAME PS (Season) 82-60, 57.7% 1600
IIHF SV SV: Home Line is +111 or More (Last Season) 10-9, 52.6% 1359
NCAAF OU TOTALS (Past 2 Weeks) 63-45, 58.3% 1350
IIHF SV SV: Home Team Wins < 45% (Last Season) 10-9, 52.6% 1336
NHL OU TOTALS: Betting Line of 6.0 or More (Season) 91-71, 56.2% 1290
PS AFC SOUTH DIV GAME PS (Season) 15-3, 83.3% 1170
PS Road Favored by 3.5 to 6.5 (Season) 22-10, 68.8% 1100
EPL SV 1 StarSide Value 29-45, +10.09 1000
LIIGA SV SIDE VALUE (Last Season) 27-25, 51.9% 976
PS 2 STAR PS Past Month 28-17, 62.2% 930
KHL 0 All Advisor Picks (Season) 41-26, 61.2% 927
OU NFC CONF GAME TOTALS (Past 2 Weeks) 18-8, 69.2% 920
NCAAF PS PS: (Past 2 Weeks) 78-63, 55.3% 870
LIIGA SV SV: Home Line is -190 or Less (Last Season) 9-4, 69.2% 857
NCAAF PS Spread of -4 to +4 (Past 2 Weeks) 36-25, 59% 850
OU O/U: Sim vs Vegas Diff 0.5 to 1.5 (Past 2 Weeks) 15-6, 71.4% 840
PS Home Favored by 3.5 to 6.5 (Past 2 Weeks) 15-6, 71.4% 840
LIIGA OU TOTALS: Picking Over (Last Season) 15-6, 71.4% 840
NFL PS Road Favored by 3.5 to 6.5 (Season) 16-7, 69.6% 830
NHL SV SV: Home Team Wins 45 to 49.9% (Season) 32-27, 54.2% 830
LIIGA SV SIDE VALUE (Season) 8-2, 80% 808
4 STAR O/U Past 2 Weeks 19-10, 65.5% 800
EPL SV 1 StarSide Value 8-26, +7.83 800
NHL ML ML: Home Line is -190 or Less (Season) 55-16, 77.5% 775
NCAAF PS AAC CONF PS (Past 2 Weeks) 12-4, 75% 760
NHL OU CEN DIV GAME TOTALS (Season) 23-14, 62.2% 760
NHL OU INTER-CONF GAME TOTALS (Season) 102-86, 54.3% 740
NCAAF PS Home Favored by 10 to 13.5 (Past 2 Weeks) 7-0, 100% 700
OU AFC CONF GAME TOTALS (Past 2 Weeks) 19-11, 63.3% 690
NCAAF OU SEC CONF Totals (Season) 19-11, 63.3% 690
NHL SV SV: Home Line is -100 to -129 (Season) 63-52, 54.8% 653
LIIGA 0 All Advisor Picks (Last Season) 86-70, 55.1% 652
NCAAF PS PS: Sim vs Vegas Diff 4 to 4.5 (Past 2 Weeks) 34-25, 57.6% 650
BUND ML BUNDESLIGA Favored Pick Streak 14-4, +6.26 626
LIIGA All Advisor Picks (Season) 16-11, 59.3% 626
OU AFC SOUTH DIV GAME TOTALS (Past 2 Weeks) 6-0, 100.0% 600
OU NFC NORTH DIV GAME TOTALS (Past 2 Weeks) 6-0, 100.0% 600
NCAAF OU 2 STAR O/U Past 2 Weeks 19-12, 61.3% 580
NCAAF PS 2 STAR PS Past 2 Weeks 30-22, 57.7% 580
OU Total Betting Line 38 to 44.5 (Past 2 Weeks) 20-13, 60.6% 570
NCAAF PS BIG 12 CONF PS (Season) 24-17, 58.5% 530
BUND ML 1 StarFavored Pick Streak 8-1, +5.15 500
NFL PS PS: Sim vs Vegas Diff 0.5 TO 1.5 (Season) 39-31, 55.7% 490
NCAAF OU Total Betting Line 60 to 64.5 (Past 2 Weeks) 9-4, 69.2% 460
KHL OU TOTALS: Betting Line of 5 or Less (Season) 11-6, 64.7% 440
NHL OU ATL DIV GAME TOTALS (Season) 22-16, 57.9% 440
LIIGA SV SV: Home Team Wins < 45% (Season) 3-0, 100% 436
NCAAF PS SUN BELT CONF PS (Season) 12-7, 63.2% 430
NHL ML MET DIV GAME ML (Season) 28-16, 63.6% 430
KHL OU TOTALS (Season) 13-8, 61.9% 420
OU TOTALS (Past 2 Weeks) 47-39, 54.7% 410
LA LIGA OU 1 StarTotal Streak 5-1, +3.55 400
NCAAF OU O/U: Sim vs Vegas Diff 3 to 3.5 (Past 2 Weeks) 15-10, 60% 400
NCAAF PS Home Favored by 7 to 9.5 (Season) 26-20, 56.5% 400
NCAAF PS Home Favored by 20 or More (Past 2 Weeks) 5-1, 83.3% 390
LIIGA SV SV: Home Line is +111 or More (Season) 3-1, 75% 388
IIHF SV SIDE VALUE (Past 7 Days) 2-0, 100% 386
NCAAF OU SUN BELT CONF Totals (Past 2 Weeks) 6-2, 75% 380
NCAAF OU PAC 12 CONF Totals (Past 2 Weeks) 7-3, 70% 370
NCAAF PS MWC CONF PS (Past 2 Weeks) 7-3, 70% 370
KHL OU INTER-CONF GAME TOTALS (Season) 9-5, 64.3% 350
KHL ML ML: Home Line is -100 to -129 (Season) 5-1, 83.3% 347
KHL SV SV: Home Line is -100 to -129 (Season) 5-1, 83.3% 347
NCAAF PS BIG 10 CONF PS (Past 2 Weeks) 10-6, 62.5% 340
IIHF All Advisor Picks (Past 7 Days) 4-2, 66.7% 337
KHL OU TOTALS: Picking Over (Season) 11-7, 61.1% 330
IIHF SV SV: Home Line is -190 or Less (Past 7 Days) 1-0, 100% 325
NCAAF OU Total Betting Line 57 to 59.5 (Season) 34-28, 54.8% 320
LA LIGA OU LA LIGA Total Streak 10-6, +3.1 310
NCAAF OU Total Betting Line 47 to 49.5 (Past 2 Weeks) 13-9, 59.1% 310
BUND ML 1 StarFavored Pick 14-8, +3.1 300
BUND ML 1 StarFavored Pick Streak 4-1, +2.78 300
LA LIGA OU 1 StarTotal 3-0, +2.73 300
LA LIGA SV 1 StarSide Value Streak 2-0, +2.91 300
SERIEA SV 1 StarSide Value Streak 4-3, +2.78 300
NCAAF OU O/U: Sim vs Vegas Diff 5 to 5.5 (Past 2 Weeks) 5-2, 71.4% 280
KHL ML MONEY LINE (Season) 17-6, 73.9% 275
NCAAF OU Total Betting Line 44 to 46.5 (Past 2 Weeks) 6-3, 66.7% 270
NCAAF OU Total Betting Line 54 to 56.5 (Past 2 Weeks) 6-3, 66.7% 270
NHL ML CEN DIV GAME ML (Season) 24-13, 64.9% 269
NCAAF OU 3 STAR O/U Past 2 Weeks 7-4, 63.6% 260
NHL OU EAST CONF GAME TOTALS (Past 7 Days) 7-4, 63.6% 260
NCAAF OU BIG 12 CONF Totals (Past 2 Weeks) 8-5, 61.5% 250
NBA SV NBA: 2 STAR SV Past 7 Days 1-0, 100% 245
KHL ML WEST CONF GAME ML (Season) 3-0, 100% 244
NHL ML 2 STAR ML Past 7 Days 3-0, 100% 238
KHL SV SIDE VALUE (Season) 11-12, 47.8% 232
IIHF OU TOTALS: Betting Line of 5.5 (Last Season) 10-7, 58.8% 230
NCAAF OU Total Betting Line 50 to 53.5 (Past 2 Weeks) 10-7, 58.8% 230
NHL SV MET DIV GAME SV (Past 7 Days) 2-0, 100% 224
NCAAF PS INDEPENDENT NON-CONF PS (Season) 12-9, 57.1% 210
NFL OU Total Betting Line 45 or More (Season) 78-69, 53.1% 210
LIIGA ML ML: Home Line is -169 to -150 (Season) 6-3, 66.7% 205
LA LIGA ML 1 StarFavored Pick 14-10, +2.24 200
LA LIGA OU 1 StarTotal Streak 3-1, +1.73 200
NCAAF PS PS: Sim vs Vegas Diff 5 to 5.5 (Past 2 Weeks) 2-0, 100% 200
NHL OU MET DIV GAME TOTALS (Past 7 Days) 2-0, 100% 200
KHL OU 3 STAR O/U Past 30 Days 3-1, 75% 190
NCAAF OU CONF USA NON-CONF Totals (Past 2 Weeks) 3-1, 75% 190
NCAAF OU INDEPENDENT NON-CONF Totals (Past 2 Weeks) 3-1, 75% 190
NCAAF OU O/U: Sim vs Vegas Diff 2 to 2.5 (Past 2 Weeks) 3-1, 75% 190
NCAAF OU SUN BELT NON-CONF Totals (Past 2 Weeks) 3-1, 75% 190
NCAAF OU Total Betting Line 65 or More (Past 2 Weeks) 3-1, 75% 190
MLB SV MLB: INTERLEAGUE GAME SV (Past 7 Days) 3-1, 75% 183
MLB SV MLB: SIDE VALUE (Past 7 Days) 3-1, 75% 183
NCAAF OU O/U: Sim vs Vegas Diff 4 to 4.5 (Past 2 Weeks) 26-22, 54.2% 180
NCAAF OU O/U: Sim vs Vegas Diff 0.5 TO 1.5 (Past 2 Weeks) 5-3, 62.5% 170
IIHF SV SV: Home Team Wins 55 to 59.9% (Last Season) 1-0, 100% 160
NCAAF PS MAC CONF PS (Past 2 Weeks) 6-4, 60% 160
MLB ML MLB: 2 STAR ML Past 7 Days 2-0, 100% 153
LIIGA OU TOTALS: Betting Line of 5.5 (Last Season) 7-5, 58.3% 150
LIIGA ML ML: Home Line is +111 or More (Last Season) 6-1, 85.7% 144
NHL SV SV: Home Line is -190 or Less (Past 7 Days) 2-2, 50% 143
NCAAF OU ACC CONF Totals (Past 2 Weeks) 8-6, 57.1% 140
IIHF OU TOTALS: Betting Line of 5 or Less (Last Season) 9-7, 56.2% 130
NCAAF OU O/U: Sim vs Vegas Diff 6 or More (Past 2 Weeks) 9-7, 56.2% 130
NCAAF PS PS: Sim vs Vegas Diff 2 to 2.5 (Past 2 Weeks) 9-7, 56.2% 130
LIIGA SV SV: Home Line is -149 to -130 (Last Season) 7-5, 58.3% 127
IIHF ML ML: Home Line is -100 to -129 (Last Season) 1-0, 100% 102
IIHF SV SV: Home Line is -100 to -129 (Last Season) 1-0, 100% 102
File Name File Size Creation Date File Extention
WCUP2018_ARCHIVE.xls 432.5 KB 12.19.22 xls
SOCCER_WCUP_ARCHIVE.xls 190.5 KB 04.08.20 xls
LIIGA_ARCHIVE_2016-2017.xls 730.5 KB 04.08.20 xls
EURO_ARCHIVE.xls 324.5 KB 06.30.24 xls
NCAAB_ARCHIVE.xls 5.23 MB 03.28.23 xls
NBA_ARCHIVE_1819.xls 624 KB 04.08.20 xls
KHL_ARCHIVE.xls 2.52 MB 12.23.21 xls
KHL_ARCHIVE_2016-2017.xls 528.5 KB 04.08.20 xls
IHWC_ARCHIVE.xls 355 KB 04.08.20 xls
NHL_ARCHIVE.xls 17.82 MB 10.13.24 xls
NCAAF_ARCHIVE.xls 3.05 MB 11.06.23 xls
MLB_ARCHIVE.xls 10.25 MB 10.10.24 xls
SHL_ARCHIVE.xls 685 KB 11.20.20 xls
WCUP2022_ARCHIVE.xls 432.5 KB 12.19.22 xls
NHL_ARCHIVE_PLAYOFFS2017.xls 2.24 MB 04.08.20 xls
CL_ARCHIVE.xls 699 KB 10.07.24 xls
IIHF_ARCHIVE.xls 1.63 MB 05.26.24 xls
LIIGA_ARCHIVE.xls 3.16 MB 04.15.24 xls
NBA_ARCHIVE.xls 5.95 MB 08.16.22 xls