Welcome to AccuSore Affiliate Program!

AccuScore.com is the global leader of sports forecasting. AccuScore is a sports simulation company that plays each game over 10,000 times and provides the results of those simulations to consumers, business, TV, and other outlets to use as needed. Each sport simulation has been carefully programmed to be as realistic as possible as play calling and game play changes depending on a variety of factors. We use over 110 different variables to identify, weight, and rank players, teams, and coaches to produce the most accurate sports simulation and predictions available today.
It has more than 10 year track record of success selling picks and has cracked the code on this rapidly growing business. AccuScore.com is the premiere sports forecasting company in the world that provides projections for the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, both college football/basketball and multiple Soccer Leagues.

Now you might be thinking how does it work?

Sign up as an affiliate in the network is Free of cost
Apply to the AccuScore Affiliate program
Add the creative assets to your website and start earning commissions!

Isn’t it simple?

Affiliate Program Details:-

10% commission on every sale
60 days cookie tracking
Wide variety of creative banners and text link
Coupons and deals available on regular interval
Monthly newsletter for promotions and updates
No PPC restrictions for SEM affiliates
Dedicated Affiliate Manager

We are associated with ShareAsale & LinkConnector affiliate network to provide you with complete tools to manage your affiliate program successfully and receive timely commissions
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach us at: - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

So what are you waiting for GET STARTED TODAY!