Accuscore’s 2018 Winter Olympics Ice Hockey Tournament – Quarterfinals

The ice hockey tournament in 2018 Winter Olympics has progressed to quarterfinal stage. Top-8 teams remain and after tomorrow there will be only four. Remaining teams are matched up as follows: Sweden-Germany, Canada-Finland, OAR-Norway and Czech Republic-USA.

Accuscore’s simulations for the first playoffs round were almost spot on: the winning teams were picked correctly in 3 out of 4 games and against the odds (ie. side value) the selections were correct 4 out of 4. Overall Accuscore’s 2018 Winter Olympic Ice Hockey picks have made a hefty profit from side value bets: record is 17-5 with a profit of +1965 with an even stake of 100 per bet. You can see the original prediction bracket HERE.

The simulations for the rest of the tournament have been updated after the playoffs round and there’s been small movement around with the percentages. It’s a tough break for teams going through the playoffs-stage, as there’s less than 24 hours to recover and prepare for the quarterfinal game.

Here’s how the updated bracket looks like:

Winter Olympics 2016 Quarterfinals Prediction

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