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MLB Season Futures Picks

A year ago, we simulated 2015 season before the opening day. Our three picks were not as great as we have used to - only one was correct. However, when you were betting on every team we predicted, you would end up making money at the end of the regular season as our track record was 14-11.

This time we have completed our annual MLB simulator tune-up and posted following season win totals for every MLB teams. Even though your money is tied up quite a long, we feel that it is worth to bet some of your bankroll to season futures.

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Top 3 MLB Season Futures Picks: 2016

Chicago Cubs: Over

During last season Cubs leaped from 73 to 97 wins and surprised many with improvement of young players. Cubs were one of the most active teams to stock their roster with seasoned veterans. This would give a good mix of talented youngsters and proven veterans to overcome typical drop after big improvement of win results. But they won’t have easy ride to go over 89 wins, as Accuscore predicts Pittsburgh and St. Louis to reach around 90 wins season.Like year ago, it requires to over in order to reach playoffs.

Cleveland Indians: Over

Last few years have been big disappointments to Cleveland. This time they are in the position to perform like Cubs did year ago. Their core lineup and pitching staff of under 30’s have one year more experience under their belts and it is required only 3 more wins than year ago to reach over. AL Central has been one of the most difficult division to predict as Royals have overperformed during last few years. This time it would be tighter three way race to win this division between Indians, Royals and Tigers.

Cincinnati Reds: Under

Cincinnati has slided even more than Cleveland during last three years. From 90 wins team to 64 wins year ago and since beginning of the last season losing handful of top players to other teams is not giving too much hopes for better performances this time. Also three out of four top teams in NL are in the same division as Reds, so there won’t be easy wins in divisional games.